May Day Baskets

If you remember the tradition of May Day baskets. You probably have been around awhile. Through the 19th nd 20th century May Basket Day celebrations took place all across the nation. Toward the end of April after spring rains had helped to brighten the world with colorful blooms. People enthusiastically gather, small or large designed basket of early spring flowers such as pansies jonquils, lilacs, sprigs of dogwood, or any other blooming plant, and placed them in baskets to hang on their neighbors door knobs for good wishes. Another rendition of the story was that a prospective young suitor. making an attempt to attract a young girls fancy, would discreetly place a basket on her doorstep leaving her to wonder who her admirer was.

Somewhere in the hallmark of time, this simple tradition seems to have disappeared somewhat in an new era of time. however acts of kindness toward our neighbors are still very much in vogue anytime and anywhere; a card to celebrate one’s birthday, the offer of a ride to a senior citizen to get groceries, a phone call just to check in with someone you haven’t heard from for a while, these are quite doable in our modern society. So what can I do today? What can you do today? Kindness makes the world go ’round no matter what the era!

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