The Sun Rises Slowly

So why the hurry?

Rush, rush, do, do. Let it happen, come on, come on. Let’s get the job done!
The sun doesn’t rise in jagged spurts.
Nor does it set in frantic motion.
No, it is a slow, smooth happening with colors changing gradually around, with its ascent and decent.
So it is with God the Creator of it all. He never gets in a hurry. Events evolve in their own time.

Let me share with you a little story of how God’s love unfolds gradually demonstrated by His creation.

The picture my kitchen window framed was breathtaking; huge blooms etched with pink and crowned with golden-yellow centers. We had welcomed this beauty every spring for many years, but it had not always been so.
Grandma had given each of her grandchildren a flowering shrub in the last years of her life. Ours would be a pink dogwood. The gift was for both of us–my husband Don, and myself–as we shared birthdays in the month of June. We decided to plant our gift in a special place just outside our kitchen window, where it could be viewed
easily from the kitchen and driveway.

Grandma would visit every once in a while from the neighboring town, where she lived in an apartment. When she did, she would always check the little tree.
We cared for it, giving close attention, so it would flourish and grow, but time passed and it did not bloom.

After a while, Grandma seemed discouraged by it and questioned her gift. We wondered if the place we’d selected for it was too shady.
Days became weeks and weeks became months and finally months turned into four years since we had been given our tree–and still no blossoms.

After a while Grandma’s health began to decline, and we lost her one December just before Christmas. The family gathered for Christmas giving that year, but Grandma and the enthusiasm she always had as she presented her carefully selected gifts, was sadly missed.

Day by day, winter finally turned into spring, with new life coming into view. One day we happened to see an unexpected bud on our little tree. We watched with interest as the tree began to awaken. Soon it stood before us encased in soft, radiant blooms–Grandma’s final gift.

Nature is a wonderful teacher in many ways. It reaffirms the message of the rising sun and it’s setting in splendor. Could it not be that our Creator wishes us to exist in the same way? We are given the instruction in God’s Holy Word,”Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought of the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day, is the evil thereof (Matt. 6:34) We often find ourselves lamenting about yesterday, plus anticipating the problems tomorrow may bring. No wonder our drug stores are stocked with stress relieving pills.

So indulge yourself in a inexpensive remedy when you begin frantic worrisome moments. Find yourself a beach, watch the waves flow aimlessly or, go to a wooded area, feel the breeze in your face watch the ripple of a simple stream that makes its way thru passages of stone. Nature has much to teach. Life takes time. It evolves as God has planned. We only need to take one day at a time, trusting Him to do the rest.

Said the Robin to the Sparrow
“I would really like to know,
Why these anxious human being
rush around and worry so”.

Said the Sparrow to the Robin,
“Friend I think that it must be,
that they have no Heavenly Father
such as cares for you and me.

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