Pause to Reflect

We were away on a two week vacation. Each morning I would take my walk on the beach. As I walked along, my friend’s name kept coming to mind. This happened for three days in a row. I knew she was dealing with the situation of a special needs grandson, born within the year, but to my knowledge, there was no reason for acute anxiety at this time. One morning as I walked, a poem kept coming to mind that I had written when I was going through a dark time in my life. It was a poem of hope and not of despair. A poem to help me see through the darkness into light. I sat down and wrote her a letter and included the poem, not really understanding exactly why I felt led to do so.
I was to learn later that her grandson had experienced a seizure and had been taken to the hospital in critical condition. My letter reached her on the day her grandson passed away. We arrived home later only to learn of this devastating news.
My friend has told me often since, how much that letter and poem helped her get through the days ahead.
We should never put aside the inner nudging of a Higher Power. We are called to be there for others if we will just listen.’


I’m in my little shell
Occasionally I peek out
When no ones around

Sharp words put me here
Angry accusations
Sharp insinuations.

Some day I’ll come out
But give me little time
For I must rest awhile

It’s very dark in here.
The light comes only
Through small cracks.

I can’t move around too well.
And it’s getting
A little stuffy.

Lying on my back
Makes the ridges of my shell

As do angry words–
Pointed accusations
Sharp insinuations

I must leave
Before I get stiff
And cold

With the dampness in my soul
From the tears
I have cried.

But look:
The tears have washed
As angry waves refine.

And all my fine abrasions–
Will they someday result
In a pearl?

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