My Lot In Life

I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden

Are you sometimes discouraged with your lot in life.? Perhaps you’re in a financial crisis. That job opportunity just didn’t work out. Maybe a relative is giving you the shuns or your marriage has reached a doldrums stage. Could be the latest doctor’s appointment didn’t bring the good news you had hoped for.
So you find yourself saying. “This is my lot in life. Life didn’t turn out exactly like I thought it would. Yes, looking back there were good times, but life seems pretty dormant right now.”

Nobody looks with interest on an scrubby ole lot, whether in a physical aspect or a non productive life. So what can be done about it? Well, we begin to make our lot in life into a more desirable patch. There are always opportunities we can take and use in a positive way if we look hard enough.

Let’s start with those weeds of bad attitude, which only make thing worse if we don’t get them out of the way. So pull them out! There’s a scripture verse in the Bible that tells us . . . whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Phillippians 4:8. In any situation we, if we look hard enough, can find a positive to build on. Find it, then get busy one small task at a time.

Maybe for that health problem, as well as following your doctor’s advice carefully, you might pursue a healthier diet suited for your condition. One could do research for a change of life style as well. and perhaps most important, maintain an attitude of wellness for the future.

What about the marriage that may have hit the doldrums? Have you stopped to think what would make your mate a bit happier? Perhaps by your becoming more interested in some of the things your mate enjoys. Or giving sincere compliments to show you care. A special planned outing geared to their taste might liven things up a bit. These are thing you can do to help remedy the situation. Give it a little thought, you are sure to come up with ways to brighten a day.

That financial situation got the best of you? In this day of internet preoccupation, credit card buying with user names and passwords, we can all of a sudden, find ourselves an impersonal number for solicitors to prey upon. The cosmetic industry is a raging success for those who are led to believe that youthfulness must be maintained at all cost. We find it hard to ‘let our hair down and just be human and maybe a bit vulnerable? A constant accumulation of things fills our closets full and often just complicates our lives to the fact, that we are financially strapped to keep up with it all. Simplicity is a virtue! Money doesn’t buy happiness! Have you heard those sayings before?

Perhaps we can find enjoyment in less expensive activities, a visit with a neighbor,
snuggling down with a book, listening to your favorite music, or spending less time on the computer; more time with family. Maybe take a long leisurely walk, remembering the well known verse, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the these(the right) things shall be added unto you.’ Matthew 6:33. Relaxation and inspiration help us evaluate, so that more quality of life can emerge.

So the next time you are tempted to buy that enticing new item on the internet, eat that tempting desert until its all gone. Stop and ask yourself,” Is this worthwhile? Could I do just as well without it? Does my bank account say yes?” After that evaluation: THEN DECIDE! You just might end up with better health, more money, less stress and even be better looking. Your lot in life might become the envy of the neighborhood.

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