Therefore if anyone be in Christ, old things are passed away behold all things have become new.
ll Corinthians 5:17

I looked dejectedly at my window box when we had returned to Maui after the pandemic shut down had lifted. It was a mess of brownish stubble, part weeds, part dead plants, with thorny growth protruding in all directions. What can be done with this forlorn situation I thought, Then amid the destruction, I spied some green foliage peeking through the brown waste. “Would it be possible to salvage any growth from our former plants? I inquired hopefully of my husband. “I guess it’s worth a try.” he returned somewhat skeptically. He didn’t have pruning tools to prune the unwanted rubble, so instead he began watering our window box with nutrients daily to see what would develop. Sure enough, after a short while,more green foliage begin to appear.
After about three weeks, the dead plants could hardly be seen for new growth had taken command and was beginning to form many shoots.
“Nature is always such a teacher,” I mused. This was certainly a demonstration of the remnant spoken of in the Bible that God used for restoration when the Israelites were exiled to Babylon because of continued disobedience.( Kgs 25:1-7, 2 Chr. 36:11-13, 17-21, Jer. 52:4-11) Yes He allowed a remnant, to emerge for the job of rebuilding the temple in preparation for returning Jews to their homeland. (See Ezra and Nehemiah of the Old Testament)) What a merciful God we serve to grant restoration to the people who had openly disobeyed his commandments, yet when they humbly ask for forgiveness and the opportunity to restore once again His holy temple, He granted their request.

But the most beautiful story of God’s love is when He so loved the world that He willingly gave His only Son that whosoever would believe in Him would have a life everlasting (John 3:16) The Covenant of the Old Testament of commandments, animal sacrifice and connecting to God through the priesthood wasn’t enough to keep the human heart away from sin. We needed a
personal Savior, a Supreme Sacrifice, who would willingly take the rap for our sinful nature. That is why Jesus was sent into the world, born in a humble manger to be an example for us as our Heavenly Father would have us to be. (Mark 10:45) He then gave us the promise of the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts as a personal comfort and guide for our time here on earth.(Luke 24:49) What unspeakable love He has for each of us.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus this year may we keep close to our hearts the restoring power of our God and the wonderful Gift of this personal Savior, Jesus Christ.

the nativity with wooden fence near christmas lights
Photo by TheWonderOfLife on

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