Generations Of Hope

Grandfather and Me


If I go to him will he guide my steps today?

Will he love me always- even if I fall?

Then pick me up with no sigh at all?

“Cause I’m just learning to walk you see,

And each step I take is so hard for me.

Yes, I can trust my Grandfather’s guide.

‘Cause he showed my Daddy and was at his side.

When he too learned that right steps would lead

To a pathway of hope and the right to succeed.

Mom said, “Fathers are put here by God up above

To give us direction and show us HIS LOVE.

To carefully nurture and protect us from harm

So that we will grow daily to be more like His SON “

So his hand I’ll take and safe I will be

And we’ll walk down our pathway

Grandfather and me.

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