Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall

We are told of a story of the biggest storm of all times. It rained constantly forty days and forty nights. Yes, I’m referring to the story of Noah and the Ark. One day God looked at the world He had created and could find only one family that had not become desperately wicked.(Gen.6:5) He was sorry he had created this world that had turned against Him and decided a cleansing was needed. So He told Noah, to build an Ark, save two of every sort, both male and female and bring them into the ark along his family and

The Flower Garden Quilt

Hugh flakes of snow fell silently, teasing flushed cheeks as Michael and I made our way from the barn. He trudged thoughtfully, his small steps keeping pace with Mommy’s longer gait. My son’s tumbling locks beneath a cap of whiteness were drenched with winter froth. He shook vehemently before entering the warmth of our farmhouse. “Will the thigs be safe under the heating lamp Mommy?” he asked anxiously unable to pronounce pigs. “Of course, they are now snug and warm and will be able to nurse and grow strong away from winter’s cold.” Although my answer was calm and reassuring,