The Angel Tree

The Angel Tree

For He shall give his angels charge over you . . . Psalms 91:11

The phone call came with sharp insistence. I answered as soon as I could get to it, hoping to hear good news from my daughter-in-law’s back surgery.. My husband and I had decided, after some discussion, not to make the lengthy trip out of state to the hospital since her family would be there. I stayed at home to pray. The surgery was to correct severe curvature of the spine. Charlotte had been told that if something wasn’t done, she would develop internal complications. As I answered, my son asked if he could transfer me to Charlotte. I said, “Of course,” I heard only soft sobbing. . . then she began, “My back is broken. I can’t move.” An icy chill gripped me. This tall beautiful daughter-in-law was clearly in the depth of despair. “Charlotte,” I said calmly as I could,” When I knelt down to pray for you. I literally saw angels hovered above your bed keeping watch over you. Now they haven’t left. They are still there. They will stay as you heal.”It was true, I had truly seen their presence above her bed as I prayed. It was one of the most touching of God’s ever abiding presence that I had ever experienced. Charlotte began to calm down and we were able to talk for a short time. I hung up and told my husband. “We are making the trip to the hospital NOW! We arrived a good while later to find her calm but in a weakened condition. She was brought home in time to recuperate slowly. A rod had been placed in her back to reinforce her bone structure,which actually added one and a half inches to her tall beautiful frame. Charlotte’s health returned. She was to lead ministries with her talent in art and leadership to help women in hospitals, women’s organizations and prison. Sometime later, I noticed one Christmas their front window tree encased in angels descending to the top star. She explained she had enjoyed collecting them for her special tree. We, in the family now, also enjoy helping add to the collection.

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